WHFR Podcasts

WHFR Forum Podcast for September 20, 2011

Monday Forum, 9-19-11: EarthSky22, EarthSky8, and Planetary Radio

WHFR Monday Forum

EarthSky22--"Richard Feynman is still awesome"; EarthSky8--"Joseph DeSimone on being an inventor"; and Planetary Radio--"Ending the World with a Song at Dragon Con." All science, always provocative!

Journal, 9-16-11: Tom Wither, Adopt-a-Watt

WHFR Journal

Interview with Tom Wither, founder and CEO of Michigan-based Adopt-a-Watt, which has raised funds for the installation of energy-saving and energy-sharing equipment in one parking tower in west Dearborn, to be dedicated 9-22-11. The program's funds will also allow Dearborn to buy all-electric vehicles for the city, by paying the difference between the gasoline-engine version and the electric version, i.e. the new gas-powered Ford Focus and the soon to be available all-electric version, up to $5,000 per car.

The Beggars Detroit's favorite party

WHFR Forum Podcast for September 13, 2011

Monday FORUM, 9-12-11: Skepticality--"Extreme Fear"

WHFR Monday Forum

"Skepticality" is a frequent podcast produced by The Skeptics Society, founded by professor and author Michael Schermer. Fear is a complex and a mysterious force that can, at times, sabotage our ability to think clearly, drive us to blind panic, or give us seemingly superhuman speed, strength, and powers of perception.

Robert Penn Blues Band real deal Motor City blues and soul

WHFR Forum Podcast for September 6, 2011: We Are Not Alone wsg Bill Weber

Bill Weber is a Field Investigator for The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Weber supports MUFON through participation in their Pennsylvania State UFO conferences and will be speaking there this October on the subject of UFOs and Technology. Weber has been the State Section Director for the 13 counties representing South-Eastern Pennsylvania since January of 2010. His background is in Electrical Engineering where, as a designer, he holds 3 U.S. Patents. Have some of our technologies been back engineered from crashed UFOs?

WHFR Monday Forum, 9-5-11: Freakonomics Radio-"The Suicide Paradox"

WHFR Monday Forum

There are more than twice as many suicides as murders in the U.S., but suicide attracts far less scrutiny. This current episode of Freakonomics Radio, hosted by bestselling author Stephen J. Dubner, writing "Freakonomics" with Steven D. Levitt, digs through the numbers and finds all kinds of surprises, supported by psychology professor David Lester, considered to be "the dean of suicide studies."

The New WHFR Journal Podcast for September 2, 2011

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